Toy Products

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2023-03-21 12:06
Regulations / StandardsStandard descriptionGB 6675.1GeneralGB 6675.2Mechanical and physical propertiesGB 6675.3Combustion performanceGB 6675...

Regulations / Standards

Standard description

GB 6675.1


GB 6675.2

Mechanical and physical properties

GB 6675.3

Combustion performance

GB 6675.4

Migration of specific elements

GB 6675.11

Mechanical and physical properties of domestic swings, slides and similar indoor and outdoor activities

GB 6675.12

Mechanical and physical properties of toy scooters

GB 6675.13

Chemical set toys other than experimental toys

GB 6675.14

Fingerprint paint technical requirements and test methods

GB 19865

Electric toy safety

GB 5296.5

Instructions for use by consumers. Part 5: Toys

GB/T 9832

Quality and safety of plush and cloth toys

GB/T 30400

Toy stuffing safety and hygiene requirements


Limits of harmful substances in coatings for toys


National Textile Product Basic Safety Technical Specification

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