The List of Substances of High Concern (SVHC) under REACH has officially increased to 211 items

2023-03-21 12:51

On 19 January 2021, the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) issued a notice on its website stating that its Member State Committee (MSC) has agreed to identify two substances as Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC).This brings the total number of substances identified as SVHC to 211.These two substances can be used in certain products, such as ink or toner, and in the production of plastic and rubber tyres.


The information of the two substances identified as SVHC is as follows:


Substance name

EC No.


Reason for inclusion

Common application




Reproductive Toxicity (Section 57C)


Dioctyltin dilaurate, stannane, dioctyl-, bis(coco acyloxy) derivs., and any other stannane, dioctyl-, bis(fatty acyloxy) derivs. wherein C12 is the predominant carbon number of the fatty acyloxy moiety



Reproductive Toxicity (Section 57C)

The monomer of the substance (dioctyltin dilaurate) is used as an additive in the production of plastic and rubber tires.


SVHC is a list of substances of high concern determined in accordance with REACH regulations of the European Union, aiming to timely control the harm of hazardous substances to human health and ecological environment.The identification process for SVHC includes a 45-day public comment period.Something once they are identified as SVHC, it will be included in the candidate list of REACH regulation established by the European Union, and by the ECHA posted on its web site, and included in the list of candidates will bring direct material supplier for this legal obligation, such as providing security specifications and notified the ECHA (if each year for every producer or importer of the production of items contain SVHC weight more than 1 ton, and the content of SVHC in 0.1% (w/w) above).From January 2021, companies will also have to notify the ECHA of substances of high concern in their products under the Waste Framework Directive. Please contact us for details of this notification obligation.


GST can provide a wide range of services related to REACH, including testing, training, consulting, documentation preparation and other services to help you respond more effectively to the new environmental requirements!If you have any questions about REACH, please feel free to contact us.

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